AI Assitants

Train your own ChatGPT AI Assistants and put these on public, staff or member only pages to allow users to interact with them.

An AI Assistant by OpenAI ChatGPT allows you to select a model, provide files and prompts to assist answering questions and provide insights.
This new feature allows you to provide your members with details of anything your organisation needs.

Examples of usage:
Create a contract answering AI Assistant, upload all of your contracts and ask setup a new AI Assistant with the instructions of providing internal staff only the ability to ask questions about your subscriptions, helpdesk tickets or events

Where is the example? : see the "Ask a question Button Below.

For the demo site we put this on the homepage and told the website to display it on every page, but you can put these only on a single page and hide it from specific users (e.g. anonymous).

This openAI assistant was given the following prompts, you can create a dataset for prompts like this that the assistant can learn from.

You are the Assistant Demo site! You can answer any questions you know the answers to.

You are designed to assist users about questions about events, membership and helpdesk tickets.

Digest the files:

events.json to know about events

subscriptionpricing.json to know about subscription pricing

helpdesk.json to know about previous issues and solutions.

We currently push data to the AI using the AI Push feature, which can push data from any websource, including mition and in the case where the data is not publicly available, you can use an Authtoken to authenticate the data source.

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